Thanks to Bill and Emotiva I got my Umc-1 box loaded today and want to give you all a few tips if you are having trouble getting the firmware load. I got mine loaded with Windows 7 (64 bit) computer but it was not easy.
1. Get emonatics Drivers and be sure they are loaded check Device manger on your computer.
2. Get Loader from emonatics and install.
3. Get firmware and V6 pdf file from emotiva and copy them to your desktop.
3. turn computer off completely
4. I unplug all cables from my UMC-1 including the power and all amps
5. Make sure you leave the power unplugged for a 1 min. or so and then plug in and put in stand by mode (amber light on power button).
6.cold boot you computer into (hi f8 key until you see) safe mode with networking.
7. Be sure your usb cable is plugged into the data port on Umc-1 and your computer.
8. Fine the 1st file on you desktop and click on it and it will start the loader and start loading the file. If it fails to load completely turn off Umc-1 with switch on back for 6 seconds or so them turn it on and try again. If your Umc-1 just turns on and off 3 or 4 times and fails them I did the the cold boot at step 6 again. It took me about 4 tries to get the files loaded.
9. The big tips are cold boot your computer into safe mode with networking and unplug your umc-1 for at least 1min before you start. This is just what worked for me after 3 days of trying to get the umc-1 loaded.