Post by kevinc25 on May 19, 2018 13:43:27 GMT -5
Since I could not find any definitive answers to this issue on the forum I thought it might help others if I reported on getting the IR In port working on the MC700. I wanted to do this as I need to put one of my two MC700s out of sight. From previous forum posts I was not clear on whether the IR In would work when I simply plugged in an IR Receiver "Eye" cable with suitable frequency range, so I first tried using a cable specified for 38-56kHZ, figuring the MC700 likely uses 38kHz. No luck - the MC700 did not receive commands when either powered on or off. I did not know from this whether I was simply using an incompatible cable or whether the MC700 requires the use of an external powered IR Repeater system, so I contacted Emotiva who confirmed I needed a repeater and suggested this one at amazon: www.amazon.com/BAFX-Products-Extender-Repeater-BAFX3233/dp/B009ZGK6QS/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1526334092&sr=8-3&keywords=IR+kit I am sure that is a great unit but as I am cheap I instead bought a similar unit on eBay for $9.95 shipped: www.ebay.com/itm/Hidden-IR-Infrared-Remote-Control-Repeater-Extender-Emitter-Receiver-System-Kit/401520044271?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649Instead of connecting one of the provided emitter/blaster cables I simply plugged one end of a male-male 3.5mm audio cable into one of the emitter sockets on the repeater and the other end into the IR In jack on the MC700 (you can use a stereo or mono 3.5mm cable - I tested both and both work). Everything now works perfectly.