With everything UNPLUGGED and all caps discharged......wait a couple days, just to be sure,
for MOST amps, the Negative (-) speaker terminal will be THE SAME as Earth Ground or Chasis Ground.
With a meter, the negative speaker output should be the same potential on BOTH speaker outputs. And measure nearly ZERO ohms.....between them.
That is not the case in a balanced amp....
In a blanced amp, BOTH the Negative and Positive terminals 'float' and are NOT connected to ground. OR each other in any way.
This has ramifications. I don't think it would be a good idea, for example to hook a balanced output amp VIA SPEAKER WIRES to a sub. Sub will be a common ground setup and ZAP....There She Goes!
You can't hook up an amp like this to an origianl DynaQuad system either. I'll let you look that one up!
I think this is good information, but IF one of the design guys has an input? Please note where I went off the rails.