It's possible.... but seems somewhat unlikely....
You mention that the hum goes away "when the media client is turned off".
My question would be about what the media client is connected to.
Specifically, is that media client connected to your preamp or pre/pro, which is then connected to the XPA-5?
If so, then the media client may be causing or contributing to some sort of ground loop.
It's also possible that the wall wart, or the wire going to it, is simply located near something sensitive, like an interconnect cable.
This is easy enough to test.
Disconnect the media client from the rest of your audio system.
Then turn it on and off while the rest of the system is running.
If the noise still occurs then you know the media client is causing it directly.
(So it may in fact be a bad wall wart or something similar - and replacing it would be a good first option.)
But, if the noise goes away when the media client isn't connected to the main system, then the cause is more likely some sort of ground loop.
(These can be trickier to solve.... and replacing the wall wart may still be the solution... but that's a lot less likely to be the case.)
(It's also worth noting that the XPA-5 Gen2 is more sensitive to ground loops and other ground issues than the 5150.)