Seeker Of Truth
"And it stoned me to my soul" - Van Morrison
Posts: 0
Post by NorthStar on Mar 14, 2010 3:33:14 GMT -5
Maybe. Outlaw forum possibly? Nope. Nevermind then, because you'd know, as my username is ALWAYS the same one at over 300 audio forums across the planet (internet). Well, actually, only once it was "HolyGrail", but no more now. * By the way Paul, listen very carefully to what I'm about to say to you. Ready? And this, is concerning only you and nobody else, unless someone else reading this wants to try. --> Soon, when you have the time, preferably within the next two to five days; put the Blu-ray disc of "300" (if you don't have it yet, just buy it), in your BD player and watch it attentively (make every seconds count), then with that feeling from what you'll be rediscovering under a very powerful new aura that will take over your entire body & soul (it will be very obvious, you'll see and feel it very specifically without any doubt whatsoever), come back right here and share it with us, no matter what. But one thing I guarantee you (and don't be afraid, it will be only normal), is that you'll experience something very new and unusual from a film that you probably already know (and perhaps very well so indeed). Then and only then, when you will share your quite unusual and powerfully revealing renewed experience with us, only then I will tell you what will blow away your mind of. /// Paul, just do as I told you and with special concentration on being attentive during the running of that movie. And don't forget to share with us, in this very own thread right here ("New offer hard to refuse!"). That's it for now Paul.
Post by DoingOK on Mar 14, 2010 8:42:43 GMT -5 Let's remain civil gentlemen.
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Post by Deleted on Mar 14, 2010 16:49:27 GMT -5
Just a short break here folks for an important message.Gentlepersons The Emotiva Lounge is intended to be a place to hang out and relax with other audio-video enthusiasts and friends! We view it as a social and educational portal, and an extension of Emotiva Audio. This is a private forum owned and operated by Emotiva Audio. The great majority of our visitors and members conduct themselves with good manners and are welcome in our virtual home. However, as in all communities, we have a few individuals whose behavior spoils it for everyone else. I've had several long time members come to me privately and ask what can be done to restore the good natured and pleasant vibe we have worked so hard to create and maintain. They feel, as I do , that we are drifting toward a place that none of us want to go to.... So, here goes: This is not a street corner. You are not exercising constitutionally guaranteed free speech here; we DO NOT have to listen to, and endure, bad behavior. This is not a G8 summit! In order to make your visit as pleasant and constructive as possible, please take a moment to read the following guidelines. I like to think of these as the 11 commandments for happy lounge living! 1. Please keep the discussion focused. Topics outside the scope of a given thread may be moved, locked, or simply deleted at our discretion. For off topic subjects, please use the Green Room. 2. Please use the search function before posting; your question may have been previously answered. 3. Be nice to each other and respect the moderators. Profanity, insults, knocking other brands, and generally rude behavior will not be tolerated. Period. Opinions are welcome, not bad behavior. 4. If you have a problem with another member, please turn to a moderator for help. 5. Do not spam. Also, we do not tolerate blatant advertising. Telling your buddies about a great product is one thing, but this is not a store front for another brand. 6. No cross posting. Please post your message once to the appropriate forum and nowhere else. 7. Use a title that describes the content of your post. Don't use all caps or special characters to draw attention. 8. Multiple registrations are prohibited and are grounds for immediate account deletion. 9. Please read the Emporium rules before advertising gear in the Emporium. 10. Instructions from the moderator team are to be followed. Period. 11. Discussion and opinions are welcome, but we must insist on civility. It’s really simple: Treat others as you would wish them to treat you. This is a meeting place for hobbyists and friends to share their knowledge, their passion, AND opinions. But, remember, it’s supposed to be FUN and CIVIL! Remember, a frown is just a smile upside down!! Corny, uh? Now, go forth and sin no more. Thank you, Big Dan, the Emotiva staff, and your hard working VOLUNTEER moderators Thanks Folks! Now back to the thread.
Post by broncsrule21 on Mar 14, 2010 16:51:15 GMT -5
my head is spinning after all of that.....stuff....
Emo VIPs
Posts: 5,237
Post by Pauly on Mar 14, 2010 17:09:16 GMT -5
Maybe. Outlaw forum possibly? Nope. Nevermind then, because you'd know, as my username is ALWAYS the same one at over 300 audio forums across the planet (internet). Well, actually, only once it was "HolyGrail", but no more now. * By the way Paul, listen very carefully to what I'm about to say to you. Ready? And this, is concerning only you and nobody else, unless someone else reading this wants to try. --> Soon, when you have the time, preferably within the nest two to five days; put the Blu-ray disc of "300" (if you don't have it yet, just buy it), in your BD player and watch it attentively (make every seconds count), then with that feeling from what you'll be rediscovering under a very powerful new aura that will take over your entire body & soul (it will be very obvious, you'll see and feel it very specifically without any doubt whatsoever), come back right here and share it with us, no matter what. But one thing I guarantee you (and don't be afraid, it will be only normal), is that you'll experience something very new and unusual from a film that you probably already know (and perhaps very well so indeed). Then and only then, when you will share your quite unusual and powerfully revealing renewed experience with us, only then I will tell you what will blow away your mind of. /// Paul, just do as I told you and with special concentration on being attentive during the running of that movie. And don't forget to share with us, in this very own thread right here ("New offer hard to refuse!"). That's it for now Paul. Actually, to be quite honest, I really didn't like "300" very much. Cool audio, cool effects, but the rest just didn't do it for me at all. So...
Seeker Of Truth
"And it stoned me to my soul" - Van Morrison
Posts: 0
Post by NorthStar on Mar 15, 2010 4:27:03 GMT -5
Actually, to be quite honest, I really didn't like "300" very much. Cool audio, cool effects, but the rest just didn't do it for me at all. So... No sweat Paul, it was just a simple suggestion using many words, that's all. And please, some people, you don't have to go overboard (as I do) and get the wrong impression (as I don't). After all, we're all in here to have fun, right?
Seeker Of Truth
"And it stoned me to my soul" - Van Morrison
Posts: 0
Post by NorthStar on Mar 15, 2010 4:28:05 GMT -5
my head is spinning after all of that.....stuff.... That was exactly my intention. ;D
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Res firma mitescere nescit.
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Post by LCSeminole on Mar 15, 2010 16:39:44 GMT -5
Gentlepersons, I just decided to run through this thread, and as one of the moderators "Chuckienut" stated a few posts back, take a breather. This thread is close to being way off track with just the few personal attacks of a forum member. Those types of posts belong in a PM or off the board completely. "Locking" a thread would not normally be my first choice of action, but when a thread has lost its usefulness it will become the only viable option. Please stay on track.
Seeker Of Truth
"And it stoned me to my soul" - Van Morrison
Posts: 0
Post by NorthStar on Mar 15, 2010 16:48:58 GMT -5
I reread this entire thread today, and I found it very good.
* I just wish that perhaps one or two words (at most) could have been omitted. I really want only Peace and Fun and Learning in all the threads (mine in particular). I feel I'm at 99.5 % of that goal here, which is excellent. I luv everyone here without exception; this site is much better than others I know of, believe me.
Now, I am ecstatic with my newest purchase, the Yamaha RX-Z11 A/V Receiver. This receiver was originally priced at $5,500 USA and weights a healthy 75 pounds of inside beauty. Now, I just paid $1,500 CDN for it (mint condition & no tax, firm from my buddy). I am still examining all the inners, and I was thinking of sharing with the rest of you, but only if you truly are interested. Time is very precious for me, and I try to put it where it counts the most. This is the main basis of audio forums; if I cannot get where I should, why be there in the first place? But I truly believe that this is the place where I belong. Just too many great people here, and that is a fact. We are not perfect for sure, but we certainly strive for it; I know I do, I know most people here (99%) also do. That is the best average of almost perfect people that I've seen in the last 10 years or so, all across the internet of the entire world. And trust me on this, I know, and I'm a highballer.
Sooo, can we all get along nicely just like grown up men? Geez, I'll be 75 next month! ...Well getting close at least.
Thanks for listening to that broadcast, and luv ya all.
Bob & Gabriela (your LOTR humble servitors)
Seeker Of Truth
"And it stoned me to my soul" - Van Morrison
Posts: 0
Post by NorthStar on Mar 15, 2010 16:54:55 GMT -5
^ Does this guy (girl) makes any sense at all?
Anywooo, he's got a heck of a deal on that Z11 for sure. I think he did excellent to have jump on it. ...I just wish I could be him (or at least been in his shoes when that offer was offered to him).
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Res firma mitescere nescit.
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Post by LCSeminole on Mar 15, 2010 17:05:33 GMT -5
I do have to say I just visited the Yamaha site and read up on the Z11. Quite impressive specs. I used to like the looks of the Onkyo receivers, but IMO they've recently been beaten with an ugly stick. The Yamaha receivers OTOH are quite attractive. The "HD Radio" feature on the Z11 interests me enough that I'd like to see that on a future Emotiva processor, (Hemster planted that idea in my head recently).
Post by DoingOK on Mar 15, 2010 17:06:54 GMT -5
go for it.
Seeker Of Truth
"And it stoned me to my soul" - Van Morrison
Posts: 0
Post by NorthStar on Mar 15, 2010 18:35:10 GMT -5
I already gave my comment here about my own thread that I started. I don't want to have it closed, I said it, all the people that posted here already are ALL mighty fine people. Too many good things and very precious time has been invested already; to intervene would be a big mistake in my book. I'm old enough to take care of very minor nothings.
I appreciate what the mods are trying to do, but it ain't by closing thread(s) that you are helping out. Besides, there is nothing of worthwhile concern to report here, to the contrary, there is too much positive info.
And I know you already contacted the party (ies) in question; so everything's been taking care off now. I don't want to start all over. I want this to keep going to higher levels and listen to what people have to bring to the table. And I got much more to bring myself. And it's all very very good too.
We're all good now, I know it and it only can get better from now on.
Bob & Gabriela
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Post by hemster on Mar 15, 2010 21:00:54 GMT -5
...The "HD Radio" feature on the Z11 interests me enough that I'd like to see that on a future Emotiva processor, (Hemster planted that idea in my head recently). Oh dear.. OK I own up to that! Actually, if you haven't listened to HD-Radio, give it a try. To me, it's much much better. It's like listening to a CD rather then what we've come to know as FM radio. And AFAIK, there are no licensing issues to make the tuner HD-Radio capable. So why not?
Seeker Of Truth
"And it stoned me to my soul" - Van Morrison
Posts: 0
Post by NorthStar on Mar 16, 2010 3:56:12 GMT -5
^ Only problem hemster is reception area of these ditto HD stations. There are not too many of them outside the big cities. And myself living in Canada means ZIP. I got three receivers now with HD radio, and what do I get? Exactemente.
...That will teach me for being a Canadian citizen.
Global Moderator
Particle Manufacturer
...still listening... still watching
Posts: 51,952
Post by hemster on Mar 16, 2010 11:31:54 GMT -5
^ Only problem hemster is reception area of these ditto HD stations. There are not too many of them outside the big cities. And myself living in Canada means ZIP. I got three receivers now with HD radio, and what do I get? Exactemente. ...That will teach me for being a Canadian citizen. OTOH, you have good health care, poutine and curling! ;D
Emo VIPs
I'm not an actor, but I play one on TV.
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Post by ratmice on Mar 16, 2010 16:10:34 GMT -5
^ Only problem hemster is reception area of these ditto HD stations. There are not too many of them outside the big cities. And myself living in Canada means ZIP. I got three receivers now with HD radio, and what do I get? Exactemente. ...That will teach me for being a Canadian citizen. OTOH, you have good health care, poutine and curling! ;D Don't forget Ringette!
Global Moderator
Res firma mitescere nescit.
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Post by LCSeminole on Mar 16, 2010 18:16:34 GMT -5
and an Olympic Gold Medal winning Hockey Team!!!
Global Moderator
Particle Manufacturer
...still listening... still watching
Posts: 51,952
Post by hemster on Mar 16, 2010 20:05:18 GMT -5
^ Ouch I accidentally left that out on purpose!
Ah well, at least we keep Lord Stanley as our guest each year! ;D
Seeker Of Truth
"And it stoned me to my soul" - Van Morrison
Posts: 0
Post by NorthStar on Mar 16, 2010 22:12:03 GMT -5
^ Only problem hemster is reception area of these ditto HD stations. There are not too many of them outside the big cities. And myself living in Canada means ZIP. I got three receivers now with HD radio, and what do I get? Exactemente. ...That will teach me for being a Canadian citizen. OTOH, you have good health care, poutine and curling! ;D I love Poutine. ;D ...Curling? Nah. Health care? Who cares when you're sick!